Thursday, July 06, 2006

Vive la France

In the interest of full disclosure, your humble scribe, through his paternal grandmother, claims one-quarter French heritage, displaced some 300+ years through Quebec, then Vermont, and then Quebec again. It's not something that often comes up in conversation, but given France's World Cup Final berth, I am choosing to jump on my genealogical bandwagon and hum La Marseillaise this weekend.

Today also marks the 550th anniversary of Joan of Arc's posthumous acquittal for heresy. I am reminded of Bernard Shaw's St. Joan, and perhaps my favourite exchange therein, among the clergymen discussing the charges against Joan:

CHAPLAIN TO THE CARDINAL OF WESTMINSTER: ... The Maid has actually declared that the blessed saints Margaret and Catherine, and the holy Archangel Michael, spoke to her in French. That is a vital point.

THE INQUISITOR: You think, doubtless, that they should have spoken in Latin?

BISHOP CAUCHON: No: he thinks they should have spoken in English.

CHAPLAIN: Naturally, my lord.

It's all so perfectly logical, isn't it?

I confess that I don't actually speak French beyond poutine and bibliotheque and voulez-vous coucher avec moi ce soir. Nor do I actually enjoy watching soccer (never could see what the fuss was about one-nil games won on penalty kicks). But I do have numerous Italian friends and neighbours whom I would enjoy seeing heartbroken in defeat on Sunday. Besides (and I know I'm being selfish - so sue me) an Italian win would mean traffic chaos. That's enough of a reason for me to root for the French.

The Germans didn't make the final, but they did give us the word schadenfreude.


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